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windows 10 ssd


New member
hi i bought a computer second hand and wanted to reinstall windows on the ssd but it seems to be locked with trusted installer cannot wipe the drive tried everything i can think of boot in usb disk manager etc etc files just reappear every-time im getting to the point of a heavy hammer


Windows Forum Moderator
Staff member
It sounds like you're encountering difficulty wiping the SSD due to permissions or restrictions set on the drive. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve this issue:

  1. Boot from Windows Installation Media: Boot your computer from a Windows installation USB drive or DVD. Once you're in the installation environment, you can access the Command Prompt.
  2. Diskpart: In the Command Prompt, use the diskpart utility to clean the drive. Be extremely cautious with this command as it will erase all data on the selected disk. Here's how you can do it:
    list disk
    select disk X   (Replace X with the disk number of your SSD)
  3. diskpart
    list disk
    select disk X (Replace X with the disk number of your SSD)
    After cleaning the disk, exit Diskpart and try reinstalling Windows.
  4. Disk Management: If you're still unable to wipe the drive using Diskpart, try using Disk Management within the Windows installation environment. You can access it by typing diskmgmt.msc in the Command Prompt. From there, you can delete all partitions on the SSD and then recreate them.
  5. Check BIOS Settings: Ensure that Secure Boot and similar security features are disabled in your BIOS settings. Sometimes, these settings can prevent changes to the disk.
  6. Third-party Tools: If none of the above methods work, you may need to use third-party disk management tools such as GParted or EaseUS Partition Master to delete partitions and reformat the SSD.
If you're still unable to wipe the SSD and reinstall Windows after trying these steps, it's possible that there may be hardware issues with the drive itself. In that case, you may need to consider replacing the SSD. However, before doing so, it's a good idea to try the SSD in another computer to see if you encounter the same issues. This can help determine whether the problem lies with the SSD or your current computer's configuration.